June 29, 2023 - In Project Registry

The Nigerian Heart Failure Registry 

The Nigerian HF registry is a national real-life data of HFpatients presenting at the medical outpatient of eight hospitals in the country.  The registry was endorsed by the NigerianCardiac Society. Data were collected over a period of 12 months (between May 2016 and April 2017. It has both acute and chronic HF arms.


The primary objective of the study is, therefore, to describe the clinical profile and characteristics of HF patients attending the out-patients services of selected hospitals in Nigeria.


Dr Okechukwu S Ogah- osogah56156@gmail.com/+2348067747121

Prof Mahmoud U Sani- sanimahmoud@gmail.com/ +234 8033479179

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The Nigerian Cardiac Society is the umbrella body of all medical professionals who are involved in the science, care and prevention of cardiovascular diseases in Nigeria.